Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) incorporates acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM), Tuina (Thereputic Massage), Medical Qigong and Tai Chi.
A system of complementary medicine in which fine needles are inserted in the skin at specific points along what are considered to be lines of energy.
Tai Chi
Tai Chi the “Ultimate low-impact exercise” that can be done by anyone who can walk, the only caveat being people with knee problems may have problems.
Check us out on The Peterborough Today website
Choose Your Therapy
We offer a wide variety of treatments, from acupuncture to cupping therapy, from herbal lotions to Tai Chi classes. Give us a call, we can tailor a treatment to your needs.
We have spaces for qualified therapists To Hire and utilise.
Contact us
81 Lincoln Road
07887 525218
By appointment only
This is one of the things
we do best
Acupuncture. What is it? What does it do? Does it hurt? Find out more.
What Our Clients Say
Real people. Real Reviews.
“Thanks Mark just what I needed, and the chat was good also. Will definitely be coming again at some point.”
Andy Edwards
“Absolutely amazing first session here. Thank you so much. Feel better than I’ve felt for a long time. Can’t wait for my next session next week!”
Jamie Lee Fox
“Patient of Simply Chi since 2002. The treatments have considerably helped my arthritis, post surgery pain and also improved my mobility.
Maggie Izzard
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